
Colliders is what hurts the player or the "hurt box" it can have several shapes and sizes, you can also have multiple colliders for complex shapes

These are the current available colliders types

Hint: Enable Debug to see the collider while playing

Inside Circle

Collider in the form of a circle, if the player get's inside it takes damage


  • Radius: size of the circle


A rectangle shaped collider


  • Width
  • Height
  • Base rotation: use this to align it with the sprite
  • CollisionRotation: This will try to rotate the collider with the objects rotation value

Outside Circle

Collider in the form of a circle, if the player takes damage if it is OUTSIDE this collider


  • Radius: size of the circle


This will try to read the sprite and add collider points in the form of the sprite, this is close to "pixel perfect". Note that this can affect the performance and it is recommended to use the other colliders if they fit the shape better


  • Precision: How many collisions points that will be created (higher number affects the fps)
  • Allow collider rotation: This will try to rotate the collider with the objects rotation

Tip: Use the Debug flag to view how the collider is created to see if it is matching the sprite