Movement Behaviors
Movement behaviors alters the velocity of a object which in turn makes it move
These are the current available movements
Linear movement
Moves in a direction with a set speed
- Direction (in degrees 0-360):
- Target player: Will set the direction towards the player
- Random: Will take random between 0-360)
- Speed: This is the movespeed in frames per frame
Linear bounce
Moves in a direction with a set speed but can have bounce when reaching the box border
- Direction (in degrees 0-360):
- Target player: Will set the direction towards the player
- Random: Will take random between 0-360)
- Speed: This is the movespeed in frames per frame
- Bounces: Number of bounces
- Must enter box: if the projectile must enter the box before bounce
- Bounce Horizontal: If it should bounce against the horizontal line
- Bounce Vertical: If it should bounce against the vertical line
- Bounce randomness: a value that randomly adjust the bounce direction, instead of perfect linear bounce it can be a little random
Circle movement
Moves the projectile around in a circle, this can be combined with other movements to move the "center" of the circle
- Speed: This is the speed it moves around
- Radius: How big the circle is
- Radius increment: set this to make the circle slowly grow
- Start angle: where in the circle it should start
- Relative speed: Will adapt the speed relatively to the circle, smaller circle is faster and larger is slower
Waypoint movement
Set waypoints which the object will move between
- Speed: This is the movespeed in frames per frame
- Curving factor: How sharp it can turn
- Loops: number of loops it should run in the waypoint system
- Reverse direction: After reaching the end, should it turn back or move to the start?
- Finish projectile: If the projectile should finish (end) when reaching the end of the waypoints
Also you need to create several waypoints that the object should move between
If you enable "debug" the waypoints will be drawn on screen while playing
Set position
Set a position, can be static or have it follow something, or make it "teleport" to a position
No parameters
Position X: Set where the x position should be set, if you set Player center X it will follow the player
Position Y: Set where the y position should be set, if you set Player center Y it will follow the player
Move towards player
Will always move towards the player like a missile
- Speed: This is the movespeed in frames per frame