
These are the conditions you can use to activate or deactivate behaviors like movement, drawing and others

Start condition

Until this condition is met, the behavior will not be active, this can be some time or if a certain variable is set

Stop condition

When this condition is met, the behavior will deactivate, this can be some time or if a certain variable is set

Condition loop

If you set this to true then after the stop condition have been triggered it will again start checking the start condition and restart the behavior if the condtion is meet, and keep doing this in a loop

Here is a list of conditions that you can use

  • Start now: It is always active(default for start)
  • X position: If the projectile is meeting the x position goal, set conditions and Position holder to adapt
  • Y position: If the projectile is meeting the y position goal, set conditions and Position holder to adapt
  • Time passed: After x seconds this will activate
  • Never end: This will never activate(default for stop)
  • Is projectile finished: Activates when the projectile is finished
  • Distance to player is less than: If the player is closer than x
  • Distance to player is more than: If the player is farther away than x
  • Variable: If a variable meets the condition set
  • IsPositionInOrOutsideBox: If the projectile is inside or outside the combat box